Metal 3D Printing Robotic Cell

Advanced Robotics and WeAreAm have partnered with Meltio to provide integrated robotic cells for metal 3D printing. Advanced Robotics' expertise together with WeAreAm's know-how in 3D printing technologies ensures the installation of a turnkey facility ready for the production of any component.    

Six lasers fuse the metal wire on each side, enabling the creation of highly complex parts with infinite degrees of freedom. Technology integrated with an anthropophore robot turns it into a metal 3D printing system. It is ideal for creating components, inexpensive repair of parts, adding features or dimensions, and has no size limitations when the size of the motion system is the only limitation. Through Meltio technology, it is also possible to use double wire by combining different metal materials together.  Various materials are both Meltio certified and available from third parties

Robot Cell_2_nobackground

Applicazioni possibili


Aircraft Bracket

Titanium 64
Size 109.6 x 160.8 x 34.8 mm
Weight 2 kg
Print Cost  $ 185.63

Dual Material Pipe

SS316L + Ni718

Size 108 x 108 x 150 mm
Weight 5 kg
Print Cost  $ 186.84

Rocket Nozzle


Size 117 x 117 x 180 mm
Weight 3 kg
Print Cost  $ 87.95

Materiali Meltio